Recomendação da OMS para a Medicina Tradicional | 2014-2023
134th session EB134.R6
Agenda item 9.1 23 January 2014
Traditional medicine
The Executive Board,
Having considered the report on traditional medicine,1
1 Document EB134/24.
RECOMMENDS to the Sixty-seventh World Health Assembly, the adoption of the following resolution:
The Sixty-seventh World Health Assembly,
Recalling resolutions WHA22.54, WHA29.72, WHA30.49, WHA31.33, WHA40.33, WHA41.19, WHA42.43, WHA44.34, WHA54.11, WHA56.31, WHA61.21, and in particular WHA62.13 on traditional medicine, which requested the Director-General, inter alia, to update the WHO traditional medicine strategy 2002–2005, based on countries’ progress and current new challenges in the field of traditional medicine;
Affirming the growing importance and value of traditional and complementary medicine in the provision of health care nationally and globally, and that such medicines are no longer limited exclusively to any particular regions or communities;
Noting the heightened level of interest in aspects of traditional and complementary medicine practices and in their practitioners, and related demand from consumers and governments that consideration be given to integration of those elements into health service delivery;
Noting also that the major challenges to the area of traditional and complementary medicine include deficiencies in: knowledge-based management and policy, appropriate regulation of practices and practitioners; monitoring and implementation of regulation on products; and appropriate integration of traditional and complementary medicine services into health care service delivery and self-health care,
1. TAKES NOTE of the WHO traditional medicine strategy: 2014–2023, its three objectives, and the relevant strategic directions and strategic actions that guide the traditional medicine sector in its further development and advancement over the next decade;
2. URGES Member States, in accordance with national capacities, priorities, relevant legislation and circumstances:
(1) to adapt, adopt and implement, where appropriate, the WHO traditional medicine strategy: 2014–2023 as a basis for national traditional and complementary medicine programmes or work plans; EB134.R6
(2) to report to WHO on progress in implementing the WHO traditional medicine strategy 2014–2023;
3. REQUESTS the Director-General:
(1) to facilitate Member States’ implementation of the WHO traditional medicine strategy: 2014–2023, supporting their formulation of related knowledge-based national policies, standards and regulations, and strengthening national capacity-building accordingly through information sharing, networks and training workshops;
(2) to continue to provide policy guidance to Member States on how to integrate traditional and complementary medicine services within their national and/or subnational health care system(s), as well as the technical guidance that would ensure the safety, quality and effectiveness of such traditional and complementary medicine services;
(3) to continue to promote international cooperation and collaboration in the area of traditional and complementary medicine in order to share evidence-based information, taking into account the traditions and customs of indigenous peoples and communities;
(4) to monitor the implementation of the WHO traditional medicine strategy: 2014–2023;
(5) to report to the Seventy-second World Health Assembly, through the Executive Board, on progress made in implementing this resolution.
Eighth meeting, 23 January 2014
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